Guidelines for Radio Skeds for Tournaments


  • It is recommended that all Tournaments operate Radio Skeds on two of the three frequencies available i.e.
  1. 27 mHz.
  2. VHF.
  3. High Frequency
  • A dual frequency broadcast is desirable with the Radio Operator repeating each report. This allows all vessels to listen to the total sked.
  • It is understood that in some areas due to radio traffic and conditions that not all frequencies operate effectively.

e.g. in the Sydney area only High Frequency operates effectively.

  • It is also understood that some clubs do not have access to High Frequency radios.


Radio Skeds should be conducted at a maximum of TWO HOUR intervals.


All clubs and/or zones are to use a NSWGFA approved grid map for their local areas to be used in all tournaments and point score days, the inclusion of sponsors logos is permitted providing that logo does not obstruct the chart grid system alpha 1, bravo 2 etc.


On the first sked each day vessels will report the following:

  • Number of persons on board
  • Position (in reference to grid map)
  • Fishing Activity (travelling, anchored, drifting, trolling)
  • Fishing Report (details of captures and tag/release)

On subsequent skeds, report:

  • Position (must give grid reference)
  • Fishing Activity (as above)
  • Fishing Report (as above)

On final sked, report:

  • Report Position (must give grid reference)
  • Fishing Activity (as above)
  • Fishing Report (as above)
  • E.T.A. (estimated time of arrival back in port)


It is mandatory for all vessels to report on each sked.

Failure to report on two consecutive skeds will activate an emergency procedure.

It is recommended that Tournament Committees impose a suitable points penalty if a satisfactory explanation is not given.


In the event of a vessel failing to report on TWO consecutive skeds the base operator will start the emergency procedure.

i. Issue a description of the vessel including all details by radio to tournament vessels.

ii Instruct all vessels near the last known position to start a search of their area.

iii After one hour of tournament vessels searching it is recommended that the Tournament Director notify the local Search and Rescue Authorities of the possible missing vessel and detail all actions taken. The overall responsibility for Search and Rescue in N.S.W. is the N.S.W. Police Service.

iv If a club runs hourly skeds it is suggested that the time frame be shortened to two hours plus one hour search.


i. Vessels must answer each sked with the required details.

  1. If a vessel has radio failure and cannot contact radio base or relay through another vessel, it must return to port and notify Radio Base of their actions by other means (phone etc.).

Remember that if TWO skeds are not answered, the emergency procedure will be activated.

  1. It is a vessel's responsibility to notify the Radio Base or the Tournament Director of their intention NOT to fish on any given day of the Tournament. If no notification is received and the vessel fails to report on two consecutive skeds the Base Operator will start the emergency procedure.
  2. If a vessels entry is accepted by the Host Club and that vessel is not fitted with the tournament frequencies to be used, it is the Host Clubs responsibility to have the sked report taken before the sked (by a prearranged vessel at sea) then the report relayed to the Radio Base on the next sked.



It is mandatory for every vessel to sign off with Radio Base on return to port. A vessel must wait for a reply from the Radio Base to confirm sign off or with the permission of the remaining vessel/s at sea may be transferred to the local V.M.R. base.


It is essential that the Radio Operator (be it on land or a vessel) has a copy of each vessels safety information on hand at all times for reference in case of an emergency.

It is the Host Clubs responsibility to have all required licences in place.

The Radio Base must stay active until all vessels have returned to port. An accurate record of each sked shall be kept (hard copy plus tape recording where possible).

It is recommended that if a vessel/s are still at sea fighting a fish after the last sked the base, when it is clear of sign offs, should contact the vessel/s hourly noting their position in longitude and latitude until signed off.

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