Point Score

  1. The Association shall determine, and publish from time to time, line classes that may be used and a point score system for the use of all member clubs. This point score system shall be designed to complement the methods and style of fishing (including tag & release) being practised by anglers in NSW waters from time to time, and its use shall be mandatory by all member clubs when allocating points.
  2. Capture Points

Capture points equal the weight of the fish squared x factor, divided by line class. Factors are as follows:

4kg – 29.5: 6kg – 19.5; 8kg – 14.5; 10kg – 11.5; 15kg – 7.5; 24kg – 4.6; 37kg – 3; 60kg – 1.7.

Marlin points are doubled as above factor system.

Broadbill points are doubled as above factor system.

Other Gamefish points (exception: broadbill as above) are trebled as above factor system.

Shark points half, except blue sharks, which are one-quarter of as above factor system.

  • No points shall be awarded for shark captures on 4kg line class.
    • Maximum points: all captures on line classes up to and including 10kg shall be maximum of 15,000 plus one point per kilo of fish weight. All captures on line classes 15kg and over shall be maximum 20,000 plus one point per kilo of fish weight.
    • *Striped Tuna (Catch & Release Only - Same Point Apply . Please use Measure and Release Cards) and *Kawa Kawa are eligible species for JUNIOR PERSONAL POINT SCORE AND APPLICABLE TROPHIES ONLY in club competitions and tournaments. Capture points are based on weight and line class as normal.

Tagging of White Sharks – The incidental hooking, fighting and tagging and releasing of a White Shark in Commonwealth Waters (outside 3NM) in permitted for scientific purposes and T&R points will be awarded in all tournaments including club point-scores. This species cannot be targeted. For clarity, the NSW GFA President advised that a dispensation has been granted by the Federal Government.

3. (i) Tag & Release Points

Following are the only tag & release points that may be used by NSWGFA – affiliated member clubs.

4-10kg 15kg 24kg 37kg 60kg
Marlin - Black 12,500 11,500 10,000 8,500 7,500
Marlin - Blue 12,500 11,500 10,000 8,500 7,500
Marlin - Striped 12,500 11,500 10,000 8,500 7,500
Broadbill Swordfish 12,500 11,500 10,000 8,500 7,500
Sailfish 6,250 5,750 5,000 4,250 3,750
Shortbill Spearfish 6,250 5,750 5,000 4,250 3,750
SHARKS - minimum 100cm
*Shark - Blue 3,125 2,875 2,500 2,125 1,875
*Shark - Hammerhead (Smooth Only) 3,750 3,450 3,000 2,550 2,250
*Shark - Mako (all) 3,750 3,450 3,000 2,550 2,250
*Shark - Porbeagle 3,750 3,450 3,000 2,550 2,250
*Shark - Thresher (all) 3,750 3,450 3,000 2,550 2,250
*Shark - Tiger 3,750 3,450 3,000 2,550 2,250
*Shark - Whaler (all) 3,750 3,450 3,000 2,550 2,250
Tuna - Albacore 625 575 500 425 375
Tuna - Longtail 625 575 500 425 375
Tuna - Bigeye 1,250 1,150 1,000 850 750
Tuna - Dogtooth 1,250 1,150 1,000 850 750
Tuna - Bluefin & Southern Bluefin 1,250 1,150 1,000 850 750
Tuna - Yellowfin 1,250 1,150 1,000 850 750
Narrow Barred (Spanish) Mackerel 625 575 500 425 375
Wahoo 625 575 500 425 375
*Yellowtail Kingfish - minium 70cm 310 290 250 210 190
Barracuda 31 29 25 21 19
Cobia 31 29 25 21 19
*Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish) 31 29 25 21 19
Tuna - Kawa Kawa 13 12 10 9 8
Tuna - Striped - Catch & Release Only 13 12 10 9 8

  • The maximum number of *Yellowtail Kingfish and *Mahi Mahi tagged and released by one angler be limited to five (5) of each species per day, with a maximum of ten (10) of each species per boat per day shall also apply.
  • All sharks tagged & released must measure a minimum of 100cm in length.
  • Yellowtail Kingfish tagged & released must measure a minimum of 70cm in length.
  • *Striped Tuna and *Kawa Kawa are eligible species for JUNIOR PERSONAL POINT SCORE AND APPLICABLE TROPHIES ONLY in club competitions and tournaments.

(ii) Measure & Release

is allowed Yellowtail Kingfish* under 70cm ONLY

  • *Yellowtail Kingfish are eligible species for JUNIOR PERSONAL POINT SCORE AND APPLICABLE TROPHIES ONLY in club competitions and tournaments.

Following are the only Measure & Release points that may be used by NSWGFA – affiliated member Clubs

4-10kg 15kg 24kg 37kg 60kg
KINGFISH - Yellowtail - under 70cm 13 12 10 9


STRIPED TUNA 13 12 10 9


Note: (i) All GFAA Angling & Equipment regulations shall apply.

(ii) All applicable tag & release rules shall apply i.e. items 1,2 & 3 of the acts that disqualify a tag & release.

(iii) No fish can be released after measurement unless it is in a healthy and vigorous state.

(iv) A GFAA designed "Measure & Release" card is to be used to record species release information.

Guidelines for Measure & Release

  1. Only gamefish species as listed for measure & release are to be considered by this guideline.
  2. All GFAA Angling Rules & Equipment Regulation & Codes of Practice to apply until fish is landed and returned to the water in a healthy and vigorous state.
  3. The use of knotless, rubber coated nets or similarly designed nets that minimize slime and scale removal are to be used, the use of gaffs (other than release/jaw gaff) is prohibited.
  4. The fish is to be measured using an approved or recognized measuring mat & or graduated tape measure, measurements between centimetre increments shall be measured at the lower of the two increments i.e. 45 – 46 cm will be recorded as 45 cm.
  5. Once measured the fish is to be returned to the water as quickly as possible & supported until it is able to swim away in a healthy & vigorous state. If the fish dies during this process it is the skipper & anglers responsibility to disqualify the catch.
  6. All measurements & data must be recorded on an approved GFAA Measure & Release card that is to be returned to the anglers club for processing.
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